Helping customers since 2007
Since its foundation in the year of 2007, TECNIC had the
potential to grow rapidly, showing strong expertise both in the area of design
services and consultancy, undertaking some of the most important infrastructure
projects developed in Romania.
Such projects range in the design consultancy sphere from development of the services concerning the feasibility studies/ technical and detailed design for county roads/ national roads/ motorways etc, in a direct contractual relationship with the National Company for the Administration of Road Infrastructure, to design and build contracts carried out together with some of the largest Contractors on the market.
Concerning the works supervision services, TECNIC has successfully completed and is continuing to implement a wide range of contracts, from national roads/motorways to civil works, i.e. hospital buildings, tribunals.
In terms of design activities, the company has specialized throughout the years in the provision of a complete set of services, thoroughly complying with the legislation in force and the best international practice.
TECNIC’s team of experts is properly trained in carefully assessing the eventual risks that are inherent to all projects and taking the necessary measures in mitigating the effects towards the Client’s best interest.

Geographic presence

Mission and Strategy
Concerning the strategies adopted by TECNIC’s team before and throughout the project implementation, it is the company’s main purpose to first and foremost develop a coherent plan and timetable, as well as to properly dimension the resources in order to ensure a smooth flow between the interdependent activities.
TECNIC Consulting Engineering Romania is specialized in providing Contract administration services, Design services, Supervision of Works services for infrastructure projects related to roads, railways infrastructure, civil works, environment, urban and municipality development.
The Mission of the company is to provide to clients across Romania, but also abroad with consulting and engineering services for all types of infrastructure projects, but mostly in large road infrastructure projects.
As keys to success, the company is led by the following principles and guidelines:
• Providing professional quality services on time and on budget;
• Development of a follow-up strategy to secure performance with all clients;
• Implementation and maintenance of a quality control and assurance policy.
In order to improve the assured services’ quality, the company adopted a quality management system, SRAC certificated (Management systems certification body) which through their partners from IQ Net (International Certificate Network) makes possible the international recognition of the certifications.
TECNIC Consulting Engineering Romania implemented a top quality management system and the company has also obtained the due certification for environmental management system, as well as management system of health and safety for the company’s operations.
Previously mentioned certificates are for activities of engineering and technical consultancy related to studies, projects, consultancy services, elaboration of technical – economical documentations, expertise, technical assistance and verification in the field of construction works, including art and urban works.
Therefore, the quality policy is a priority of the company’s management that is primarily interested in permanently increasing the quality standards and implicitly in the continuous improvement of the services in order to secure maximum customer satisfaction. Thus, the company has implemented an integrated quality-environment-health and work safety system according to ISO.
TECNIC Consulting Engineering Romania being certified SR EN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, SR EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental system, OHSAS 18001:2008 occupational health and safety system.
Quality policies, procedures and practices
In accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2008, for design activity, an integrated Quality Assurance, Environmental and Health and Safety System has been established, documented and implemented.
For this purpose, the company:
- Has identified the processes necessary for the Integrated Management System and its enforcement in all the activities developed;
- Has determined the criteria and methods required in order to make sure that both operation and control of such activities are effective;
- Has ensured the availability of resources and information necessary for supporting the operation and monitoring of the processes;
- Is monitoring, measuring and analysing such processes;
- Is implementing all actions required for achieving the planned results and for constantly improving the processes;
- Is providing effective control of external processes
The Quality/Environment/Occupational Health and Safety Integrated System is documented by:
- The Policy related to Quality, Environment and H&S;
- The objectives of quality, environment, health & safety and social liability;
- The Manual for the Management of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety;
- Procedures of the Quality, Environment, H&S Management Systems;
- Procedures/Instructions related to quality, environment, health & safety for the developed activity;
- Records in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001: 2008.